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Zhengzhou Everfit Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd


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  • Pellet machine is a kind of machine that presses materials into a specific shape, which is widely used in agriculture, chemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, food and other fields. Here are some of the advantages of the pellet machine: ...

  • 1. Preparation: Before using the pellet machine, it is necessary to check whether the various parts of the machine are normal, such as cutting tools, screens, motors, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to clean the inside and outside of the machine to ensure that the particles produced are clean and sanitary....

  • Biomass pellet machine is a kind of biomass energy pretreatment equipment. It mainly uses biomass such as wood chips, straw, rice husks, bark and other wastes from agricultural and forestry processing as raw materials, and solidifies it into high-density pellet fuel through pretreatment and processing. Biomass pellet machine is divided into flat mold biomass pellet machine and ring mold biomass pellet machine....

  • Nowadays, the production of charcoal machine mostly adopts the principle and experience of rural charcoal burning, coupled with the means of modern science and technology, after in-depth testing and practice, developed into a new high-efficiency and energy-saving charcoal machine....

  • Wood particle burning furnace, one kilogram of wood particles can burn for two hours, energy saving, environmental protection, pollution-free.Wood pellet furnace The advantages of biomass pellet furnace....

  • The fresh forage grass has high water content, good palatability and easy digestion, but it is not easy to reverse and easy to rot. After silage, compared with green feed fresh and green, nutrients will not only not reduce, but also have a kind of aromatic sour taste, stimulate the appetite of domestic animals, increase feed intake, and have a good urging effect on the growth and development of pigs, cattle and sheep....

  • Ghana is located in west Africa, is a large agricultural country, agriculture is one of the main economic pillars of Ghana. In Ghana, agricultural production is mainly based on planting, and the main crops grown include maize, sorghum, millet, cassava, etc. Maize is one of the most important crops in Ghana and one of the main sources of food for the local population....

  • As a pellet machine manufacturer, I am honored to be able to introduce you to the application of pellet machines in animal husbandry. In the world, animal husbandry countries including China, the United States, India, Brazil, etc....

  • Corn sheller is an automated agricultural machine that can quickly and efficiently separate corn from the cob, thereby improving the processing efficiency and quality of corn. ...

  • Tractor-driven feed pelleters can be used in countries where electricity is unreliable, as they can rely on the tractor's engine to provide power without needing to rely on an external power source. This means that farmers can still use feed pellet machines to produce feed even when electricity supply is unstable or unavailable....
